Monday, 27 March 2017

CCU 5 - Internalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success

Crose, B. (2011). Internalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (3), 388-395. 

This article entitled Internalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success is talking about the enrollment of international student so that the cultural diversity increases in the classroom. The higher education institution must encourage the students to understand, to appreciate, and to consider each other. After that, the institution can create and invite classroom enrollment, makes language and international classroom, gives some strategies for overcoming language strategies, consider with classroom interactions, facilitate the discussion in the international classroom, group work in international classroom. This should be done by the institution in order to make all of the international students consider each other although they come from different culture. 

Learning by doing is one of the human being characters. This also can be the basis of teaching cultural awareness to the students; by asking them to interact more to the other students, especially they who come from other countries through any task. I think this can be implemented through any ‘tourist-hunt’ task to interview foreigners or the international students and asking about their cultures.

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