Monday, 27 March 2017

CCU 5 - Internalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success

Crose, B. (2011). Internalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (3), 388-395. 

This article entitled Internalization of the Higher Education Classroom: Strategies to Facilitate Intercultural Learning and Academic Success is talking about the enrollment of international student so that the cultural diversity increases in the classroom. The higher education institution must encourage the students to understand, to appreciate, and to consider each other. After that, the institution can create and invite classroom enrollment, makes language and international classroom, gives some strategies for overcoming language strategies, consider with classroom interactions, facilitate the discussion in the international classroom, group work in international classroom. This should be done by the institution in order to make all of the international students consider each other although they come from different culture. 

Learning by doing is one of the human being characters. This also can be the basis of teaching cultural awareness to the students; by asking them to interact more to the other students, especially they who come from other countries through any task. I think this can be implemented through any ‘tourist-hunt’ task to interview foreigners or the international students and asking about their cultures.

CAR 5 - Authentic, Simulated Learning Activity on Student Preparedness for Work-Integrated Learning

Article Summary for Mar 27, 2017 

Nicola-Richmond, Kelli., Richard, Kieva., Britt, Kellie. (2015). Authentic, Simulated Learning Activity on Student Preparedness for Work-Integrated Learning. In the Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education (Vol. 4, No. 16, pp. 343-354). New Zealand Association of Cooperative Education. 

This research was done in Deakin University, Geelong, Australia in the field of occupational theraphy.The students of 2013 were given a simulated learning experience in preparing them for the work-integrated learning experience. The researcher used pre- and post-simulation questionnaire in order to know the students’ perception about themselves whether they were having the skills or confidence. The core session was the simulation session which was devided into 5 station; interviewing, manual handling, manual handling, occupational helath and safety, and socumentation. The result showed that the students felt confident in the aspect of professionalism. They felt that doing such kind of simulation give them opportunity to practice the real-job and to be corrected by the staffs. 

This research give me more descriptive methodology which will help me in doing my on-going CAR. I will use this simulation procedure in my future CAR in a VHS because the steps are similar. The simulation should be integrated with the curriculum and should be based on the real-job condition that can give real-job learning experiences not only a real practice, but also a real case they will face.

Monday, 20 March 2017

CCU 4 - Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching

Shemshadsara, Z, G. (2011). Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching. Department of English, English Language Teaching, 5 (3), 95-99. 

This article is entitled Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching. This article talks about how to develop student awareness toward their own culture and others culture related to the foreign language teaching. Cultural awareness consist of the awareness of own culture, the awareness of others culture, and the ability to explain own cultural standpoint.  In this article, the researcher focus on how to make the students more aware to the target language cultures. 

This terms ‘own culture’ and ‘others culture’ must be internalized first to the students by giving any aperception the culture itself. By giving the understanding to the students related to the Indonesian culture whis is having so many different cultures each place, may be it can helps the students to understand about the importance in learning about the target language more.

CAR 4 - English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review

Article Summary for March 20, 2017 

Rahman, Momtazur. (2015). English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review. In the Universal Journal of Educational Research (Vol. 3, No.12, pp. 24-31). Horizon Research Publishing. 

This article discuss the development, history, and the concept of ESP. The needs analysis was appeared in 1920’s and came to end to exist until 1960’s in the term of ESP. The needs analysis is the focus of the ESP. The component of the needs analysis are Target Situation Analysis (TSA), Learning Situation Analysis (LSA), Present Situation Analysis (PSA),  and Means Analysis (MA), which will develop the model of ESP needs analysis. 

In knowing the student needs, the teachers, beside having the syllabus, may develop the model of ESP needs analysis by themselves.

Monday, 13 March 2017

CCU 3 - Culturally- Based and Culturally- Biased Aspects of Knowing the Other

Makarova E, A. (2014). Culturally- Based and Culturally- Biased Aspects of Knowing the Other. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 2 (2), 181-187. 

This article is entitled Culturally-Based and Culturally-Biased Aspects of Knowing the Other. This article talks about the importance of global learner to know and to be aware of their own culture in order to be able to adapt other cultures. One of the way to make the learner aware of the cultures is by developing their cultural awareness through improving their linguistic and cultural background knowledge. The teachers themselves must be understand and give the understanding about the culture in general and in specific. 

Improving students’ cultural awareness is important to make them more understand about the other. The sixth major aspects here can be informed to the students through the other lesson.