Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Summary 8: The Effect of Speed Reading Strategies on Developing Reading Comrehension among the 2nd Secondary Students in English Language

Abdelrahman, Mahmoud Sulaiman HB & Bsharah, Muwaqaf Saleem. (2014). The Effect of Speed Reading Strategies on Developing Reading Comprehension among the 2nd Secondary Students in English Language. English Language Teaching (Vol. 7 No. 6). Canada: Canadian Center of Science and Education.

In this research, the researchers conducted a research to know whether the application of the speed reading strategies are giving impact of the students or not. This research done by doing a pretest among the students in the experimental group and the control group that the result was the mean score of the reading comprehension of both group were not showing any significant difference. After giving a speed reading strategies training for the experimental group, the researchers began a post-test. The result is that there was a significant difference between the means of both groups. It can be concluded that the use of speed reading strategies gives positive effect to the students reading comprehension. It can improve students reading comprehension, motivation, and attraction as the result of the training.   

Students are having different ability in reading. However, in order to improve their reading ability we can suggest them some reading strategies [in this research: skimming and scanning] to make them aware of their own reading strategies so that they can use it more effectively.

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